Philippine Home Economics Association, Inc.
The National Organization of Home Economists and Allied Professionals in the Philippines
Member : International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE)
Asian Regional Association for Home Economics (ARAHE)
Founded in 1948, the Philippine Home Economics Association (PHEA) is a professional organization concerned with the promotion of Home Economics and its allied Discipline - Agri-Fishery Arts, Industrial Arts, Information and Communications Technology and Entrepreneurship. It brings together institutions, organizations, associations, and individuals to improve Home Economics Education and its allied Discipline, formally and informally. Embracing the disciplines of both the social and natural sciences and the arts, Home Economics steadily evolves to meet the changing needs of society in the Philippines, while respecting cultural differences, and at the same time carrying on international relationships with other countries. PHEA participated in the "World Survey of Home and Family Education" conducted by IFHE in 185 countries. The growth of the PHEA parallels that of the emergence of home economics as a profession with the major role not only in Home Management and family welfare but also in environmental and food production concerns. PHEA is a national Non-Governmental Organization of home economists and allied professionals in the Philippines and has long standing ties with American Home Economics Association (now American Association of Family and Consumer Science) since 1970. A very active member of the International Federation of Home Economics (IFHE) and the Asian Regional Association for Home Economics (ARAHE).